Elyse's Guide to Magic - A 5e supplement

Created by Draco Studios

Bring the magic of Dragonbond to your DnD games. NEW magic system, summoning rules, magical classes, spells, items and creatures!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge manager incoming!
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 01:34:12 PM

Hello Dragonbonded! 

We have great news, the pledge manager was approved by Backerkit and we have sent the smoke test a few hours ago. This means that a 5% of the backers received their surveys already, please if you are one of them, let us know any feedback or issue you could run into. 

The rest of the surveys will be sent tomorrow, January 24th, around our noon (Central time). 

If it is your first time filling out your survey, here's a quick guide I prepared for you: 

1. You will receive an email and after clicking on the Backerkit link, you will see a screen similar to the one above. 

2. Once clicking "Get started!" you will be asked a few questions regarding our newsletters. Remember that we always reward our returning backers on future Kickstarters and this is a great way to stay tune! You will also see a quick question regarding the pledge manager. 

3. Moving next, the fun starts, you can add any extras you would like and you will also see the FREE loyalty reward added automatically to your pledge (on the right column)... Also, you will see all the rewards that are included in your pledge there 🙂 
You might see a different shipping total here, this is because the system is considering you order as "Rest of the world", do not worry! It will be fixed once you enter yout shipping address.  

4. Before moving to your data, there's one more question regarding the Free Early bird, if you don't have any physical products and you don't want to pay shipping, you can renounce to your Free reward, if not, it will be consider on your shipping fee. 

5. Time to enter your shipping information! IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are in Mexico and want to choose "Local pickup", please mak sure to choose "Local pickup" in "Country". 

6. Once you finished your shipping information, you will go to the last screen, the payment method. Please add your payment information, agree on the terms and conditions and click on "Place my order". 

That's it! Once everything is confirmed you will see this screen and your order will be recorded in our data. You will just need to sit and relax until the books arrive. 

Some new write ups incoming in by the end of the month regarding subclasses, equipment and runes and we can't wait to share with you some updates on that. 

In the meantime, here's an art drop from a class you already know - Vaala Witch (Id - Blood witch) by Irene Aretia. 

And here's one of the tunnels from brood tempesta by Rodrigo Gil:

Join the party at Discord! I haven't been very active lately due to a personal situation but I have been reading! 

We are loving the ideas for your spells and items, I haven't share anything with the writers to avoid bias but I can see how the spreadsheet get answers and I just love the excitement! If you are a backer and haven't submit your item or spell, please go to the previous update and follow those instructions. 

Until next update! 


Time to submit your magical items or spells!
9 months ago – Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 01:01:46 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.

Wave 1 of digital rewards fulfilled and Happy Holidays!
10 months ago – Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 06:13:22 AM

Hello Dragonbonded! 

We wanted to take the chance to wish you all Merry Christmas and the best way to do it is by letting you dive into the Dragonbond Universe. As we mentioned in previous updates, December was going to be a month with the first wave of digital fulfillment, many of you should have received redeem link to access:

  • STL from Elyse & Ferellon
  • PDF - Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding 
  • PDF - The Rise of Itza (Comic) 
  • PDF - Great Wyrms of Drakha 
  • PDF - Art Book Volume 1 
  • PDF - Weeping Mother 

Look for emails from DrivetrhuRPG for the PDFs, the STL was fulfilled via MyMiniFactory (under the name of Lair). 

Ferellon & Elyse by Pasta

On the next update, we will share with you 2 Google Forms so you can submit your spells and items' ideas, feel free to submit all your ideas, Sarah and Brian will take a look at all of them and will choose (without knowing from who) the 10 spells and 15 items that fit best into the Dragonbond universe. Definitely not an easy job because I know all of them will be great ideas! 

Here you can download for free "Valerna: An Introduction" to dive into the world and take inspiration for your spells/items. 

Because of the season, we have decided to push the pledge manager to mid January and we are considering offering split shipping for some items that will be ready early, will let you know more about this in future updates. 

Happy Holidays from Draco Studios! 

As some of you might know, our holiday tradition started 3 years ago with a jolly Ferellon with a Santa Claus' hat, followed by Tetzcoatl and this year, Rakzor joined the festivities! Feel free to download your free holiday busts! 

Download them here!
Moy already add the Dragonbond touch to his Christmas decorations

I can't believe it is December already, 2024 is around the corner and I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to you, our Dragonbond community. 

Thank you for inviting our stories and characters (and dragons!) into your homes, for making our world, yours. We are grateful to have you, we love seeing the passion you have shared for our universe, your enthusiasm for what we are creating together, and (by your hand) we will continue to do our best to exceed your highest expectations. 

On behalf of all of us at Draco Studios, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a very happy 2024!

Our little baby warrior is ready to face the dragons! 

Arya vs Ferellon

See you next year! 

We did it! Thank you for your support.
11 months ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 11:14:13 AM

Oh guys - thank you so much for joining us for this campaign. It's a been a total blast! Your support and trust means the world to us and we are loving sharing the Dragonbond universe with you all. We can't wait to deliver this project into your hands. 

This is how I'm feeling right now

Stretch Goal Unlocked! 

In the final hours we unlocked a Stretch Goal, and it's a great one! 

This means we get to add 10 more backer Magic Items to the book. So with the unlocked Social Goals (thanks for all your efforts!) we have: 

  • 10 Backer Spells
  • 15 Backer Magic Items

We will include information on how to submit your suggestions for consideration in a following update. But get your thinking caps on in the meantime! 

It's been brilliant chatting to you all in the comments so thank you for showing up and supporting us. It's great to see lots of returning backers too. 

What happens next?

Now the campaign has finished here are the next steps... 

1. Kickstarter will process payments in 2 weeks. 

2. In December the pledge manager will be live and you will receive an email where you can: 

  • Let us know your shipping details for delivery
  • Include any add ons you missed
  • Raise you pledge level should you wish
  • Take care of any book upgrades - like upgrading to the deluxe book

We will keep you up to date every step of the way with what to expect from the pledge manager and how the book is progressing. 

Digital Fulfilment - December!

The great news is that we have the following products ready to go and these will be digitally fulfilled in December so not long to wait for that first product drop! 

  • The Weeping Mother - PDF
  • The Rise of Itza - PDF 
  • Dragonbond Art Book PDF
  • Great Wyrms of Drakha PDF
  • Elyse & Ferellon STL
  • Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding PDF

Final Lore Dump!

I've loved sharing the lore with you during this campaign and for the last one I asked our IP Manager Mark to give us more details about the incredible Qan Elyse herself. Here is what he shared. 

Qan Elyse is renowned the world over as a just and fair queen, and a dreamshaper of supreme ability, not to mention being one half of a dragonbonded pair with the majestic dragon, Ferellon. However, the position of Dragon Queen was not something Elyse was born into, nor did she accept the role lightly. As queen, she possesses several items of power – artifacts that reflect her status, and afford her great power.

The Moonblade, Sword of the Firstborn, is Elyse’s primary weapon in battle. It was presented to her before she became queen, by the noble bucentaur, General Merkhana. Merkhana had tutored Elyse in martial skills, and against the dictates of the Eliadu removed the blade from its place in the Allarian Royal Palace and gifted the weapon to Elyse to protect her on her journeys. Its triple-crescent deadsteel blade represents a rare conjunction of Rhaava’s three moons in their first quarter, and the dreams of the silver elves imbued into the curved blade when it was forged, as surety against the predations of the feydh.

The Scroll of Qan Zai was given to Elyse on the eve of her fateful first meeting with Ferellon. This an ancient scroll, penned in runes by the hand of Allaria’s first Dragon King, contains not only the origins of the Eliadu itself, but many magical secrets that few save Elyse could even hope to translate. It is widely believed that the scroll contained the knowledge that allowed Elyse to match wits and magic with Ferellon, ultimately leading to her becoming dragonbonded.

The Dragon Crown of Allaria is as much battle-mask as it is a symbol of office, and is magically altered by the finest artisans of the Grand Guild each time a new ruler takes the throne. It is said that the eyepieces can see past any illusion, making mockery of the trickery of the feydh and the invisible corruption of the Null alik Furthermore, the crown contains tiny traces of an ore found only on Drakha, and it is believed that even the most bestial dragon recognizes its wearer as a creature of power and authority.

Finally, a less well-known object in Elyse’s possession is a slender book – the History of Tyveris – a rare tome written in so-called “awakened blood”. This is only the second volume in an eleven-book series, but by far the rarest. The tome itself thrums with Id, and it is said that Elyse somehow harnessed this power to save the life of the Tyverian emperor, Adrael. That she keeps the book close at all times is perhaps a symbol of their lost love, and a sign of hope that one day they may yet reconcile.

That's it for now Dragonbonded - A final thank you from me. Your support is everything to Draco Studios to enable us to build this incredible immersive world and share it with you. 

Until next time - see you on Discord (yes I read this whole update out loud) 

Only one day to go!!!
11 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 11:35:57 PM

I can't believe the campaign is nearly over - I'm totally going to get campaign withdrawal on Friday! It's going great and we have hit another Social Goal and another Stretch Goal! Which means...

Social Goal Unlocked

We have unlocked a further 5 backer spells in the book. This is so exciting to me as I love seeing you so immersed in our world. When the campaign ends we will send out details on how to submit your spells for consideration. 

Stretch Goal Unlocked

We hit the 175K new spells stretch goal - and we are racing towards the new handouts goal. These handouts are a collection of Elyse's favourite spells - here is a mock up example to show what they look like: 

Elyse's spell handouts mock up by Rodrigo Gil

The new hand outs also include the brood handout for the new Dragon Brood to match the ones from our previous project Itza's Guide to Dragobonding. Speaking of a new brood...

The Brood Tempesta

Brood Tempesta created by Tom Babbey

Brood Tempesta: The Storm Dragons
Hailing from what mortals call the dark side of Drakha, dragons of Brood Tempestas are viewed by other broods as anarchic, violent and rowdy. Large and powerful, these dragons embrace chaos value unpredictability, revelling in noise and destruction, and treating every day as an opportunity for raucous, hedonistic celebration.

On Drakha, their holds are scattered and their territory in constant flux, as they build, abandon, and conquer seemingly on a whim. Their azhurma is Aria Tempestas, the Thunder Crown, who has for many centuries directed the violent revelry of her wayward brood.

A gathering of Tempestas dragons is heard long before it is seen. Black clouds gather and lightning flashes, before the rumble of thunder becomes a deafening cacophony of noise. The scream of a Tempestas dragon is said to be able to shatter the bones of their enemies, while their scales flicker with coruscating lightning. In large raiding parties, the dragons summon storms of unimaginable power, and the combined sonic might of the dragons’ cries can shake mountains to rubble. Moreover, the flickering, lightning-wreathed breath of these dragons can suppress magic, making mortal spellcasters especially vulnerable to their predations.

This brood thrives on unpredictability, and their battle tactics – if they can be called such – are based on confusion and surprise… sometimes even to themselves. Where Brood Tempestas goes, chaos prevails, and in their roar comes the storm.

Our talented Art Director Tom Babbey gave us in insight into his thoughts when he created the Brood Tempesta

From Tom Babbey: 

I really liked the idea of leaning into the “Punk” and “Storm” aspects in the description… with that in mind, I wanted to basically design a dragon as a thunderstorm. Massive, powerful, and unstoppable. Just an utter force of nature. We’ve only ever had the fulgen brood as a heavyweight, and no really “brutally massive” design aesthetic for an entire brood outside of baastherox himself, so I felt this was an area to really play that up. The idea here is that the dragon doesn’t fly fast because it’s swift and deft (we’ve all seen that before) but because it’s just raw power. The central spine/sail acts as an anchor for the massive flight muscles of the shoulder , and we get this cool tri-fold sail effect as the wing attachments end all the way at the end of the tail. The spines themselves are all jagged in design, mimicking lightning bolts. Along with that, I thought it would be really fun to work in a piebald pattern for this brood, and give them all patches of lighter color that almost mirrors lightning strikes.

You can see how Tom created the Brood Tempesta here: 

See you at the finish line Dragonbonded - Lets hope we can smash the next stretch goal!